Tuesday, June 16, 2009



1-3. Give at least 3 sites where estrogen are found or produced.
4-6. What are the 3 types of estrogen found primarily on human?
7. These are estrogen found in the body.
8. Estrogen primarily produced in the placenta.
9-10. Hormones that stimulates the production of estrogen.

Case study
11-15. A 87 year old man was brought to the hospital with a complaint of memory loss, agitation, loss of concentration and he gets tired easily. After some tests done, he was diagnosed to have a vascular dementia. What is the association of estrogen in the case? What are the things to be done to lessen the risks of vascilar dementia?

16-20. A 28 year old woman was diagnosed of breast cancer. There is no history of the disease in the family. Does the level of estrogen associated in the case? Explain.


  1. hoy wala parin ako blog list mO!!!!!!

  2. good set of questions. there are only some typos. haha

  3. well composed questions and interesting case ana keep it up
